GHOSTRIDE THE MAMMOTH! We talk about The New books for September, 5 2018! 0
WOAH! What a freakin' great week for Marvel!!! Cosmic Ghost Rider continues to be incredible, Thanos, Avengers 7 turns the lumbering ship of the ne...- Chad Pennell
New Comics for August 29th, 2018 DC Meets Looney Tunes…Again! 0
On its surface, DC meets Looney Tunes is, (like all ideas that are worth a damn), so stupid that I could see whoever pitched it getting laughed out...- Chad Pennell
New Comics for August 21st, 2018 Apparently this is fireworks night? 0
New comics. We talk about them.- Chad Pennell
Fun Box Monster Podcast #7 Trancers 0
Hey squids! Go down the line with us on this trip to the magical year of 1985 where beef is plentiful, and LA isn't yet a flooded hellscape. So sli...- Chad Pennell