Fun Box Monster Podcast #4 ICED (1988) 0
Matt and Tristan are joined by Damian Maffei AKA The Man in the Mask from Strangers : Prey at Night, to talk about the impossible to find horror cl...- Chad Pennell
Um, Actually Comics: 6/13/18 0
Stellar #1, Hawkman #1, The Weekend presents "Starboy", Alpha Rising and other great things. I tell people to buy Kaijumax.- Chad Pennell
Um, Actually Comics: New Comics for June, 6th 2018 0
Welp... we recorded this one with the internal mic, and it sounds like shit. Sorry y'all.- Chad Pennell
Fun Box Monster Podcast #3 Demon Wind 0
People being turned into demons, people turned into dolls and exploded, people eaten by cow skulls. Its all part of the wonderful world of Demon Wi...- Chad Pennell