Filter Products
- "It"
- A Bug's Life
- Alien
- Aliens
- American Werewolf in London
- Attack Cruiser (1991)
- Aurora Models
- Back To the Future
- Baroness
- Baroness (1986)
- Batman
- Batman the Animated Series
- Batman White Knight
- Battle Gear
- Beach Head (1986)
- Ben Cooper (NECA)
- Big Trouble in Little China
- Black Panther
- Blowtorch (V1)
- Book Of Fiends
- Breakdown (Stunticon / Menasor) (G1)
- Bride of Chucky
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer
- Bug Bite (GoBot)
- Buzzsaw / Laserbeak
- Camshaft (G1)
- Captain Grid Iron
- Captain Marvel
- Centurions
- Chainsaw Man
- Charlie Brown
- Child's Play
- Cobra Battle Station
- Cobra Commander
- Cobra Fang (1983)
- Cobra Hydrofoil
- Cobra Imp
- Cobra Mamba
- Cobra Rage
- Cobra Rattler
- Cobra Trooper
- Cobra Wolf (1987)
- Comic Defense System
- Computron
- Conquest X-30
- Count Chocula
- Courtney Crumrin
- Creepshow
- Creepy
- Darkwing Duck (2023)
- Defenders of Earth
- Demon Slayer
- Desert Fox
- Destro's A.G.P.
- Dracula
- Dragonball Z
- Dungeon & Dragons
- Dungeons & Dragons Animated Series
- Electronic Merlin
- Elvira
- Elvira Mistress of the Dark
- Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
- ET
- Eternia (Motu 1986)
- Evil Ernie
- Falcon & Winter Soldier
- Flash (V1) Stiff Arm
- Frag Viper
- Frankenstein
- Friday the 13th
- Funko Five Star
- Funko Pop
- Garbage Pail Kids
- Gargoyles
- Ghostbusters Afterlife
- Gi Joe
- Gnawgahyde (1988)
- Go Bots : Dread Launcher
- GoBot Cy-Kill
- Godzilla
- Grapple (G1)
- Green Arrow
- Gremlins
- Halloween 3
- Halloween II
- Harry Potter
- Hawkeye
- Hellboy
- Hordak (MOTU 1984)
- Iceberg V1 (1986)
- Inferno (G1)
- Iron Maiden
- Jaws
- Jim Henson's Labyrinth
- Jitsu (1984 MOTU)
- Judge Dredd
- Jurassic Park
- Kamen Rider: Zero One
- King Hiss (MOTU 1985)
- Laser
- Legendary Comic Book Heroes
- Lego
- Little Shop of Horrors
- Littlest Pet Shop
- Low Light V1 (1986)
- M.U.S.C.L.E.
- Madballs
- Man-E-Faces (MOTU 1983)
- marvel Legends
- Marvel Lucha Libre
- Masters of the Universe
- Masters of the Universe: Masterverse
- Mcfarlane Toys
- Mekaneck (MOTU 1984)
- Metroplex (G1)
- Mighty Max
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Miles Morales: Spider-Man
- Minimates
- Moss Man (Motu 1985)
- MOTU Fright Zone
- Mummy
- Munchkin
- My Bloody Valentine
- My Hero Academia
- Nightmare on Elm Street
- Ninjor (MOTU 1985)
- One Piece
- Overkill (G1)
- Pathfinder
- Peanuts
- Perceptor (G1)
- Playmobil
- Pokemon
- Pop Vinyl
- Power of the Jedi
- Power Rangers
- Puppet Master
- Rainbow Brite
- Rattlor (MOTU 1985)
- Recondo
- Rick And Morty
- Rifts
- Rock Viper
- Rodimus Prime (G1)
- Rumble / Frenzy (G1)
- Runabout (G1)
- Savage Mondo Blitzers
- Scareglow (MOTU 1986)
- Scooby Doo
- Scorponok G1 (1987)
- Scrap Iron (1984)
- Scream
- Shape of Water
- She-Ra (Adora) 1984
- She-Ra : Swiftwind
- Skids (G1)
- Snake Eyes V2
- Snake Face (MOTU 1985)
- Son of Frankenstein
- Soundwave (G1)
- Spider-Man
- Spider-Man 3
- Spider-man : Far From Home
- Spider-Man Far From Home
- Spongebob
- Sssqueeze (MOTU 1986)
- Star Lord
- Star Wars
- Star Wars : The Clone Wars
- Starscream (G2)
- Stratos
- Strawberry Shortcake
- Street Fighter 2: Guile's Sonic Boom Tank
- Suicide Squad: King Shark
- SuperPatriot
- Tactical Platform
- Techno Viper
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Tele-Viper (1986)
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre
- The Boys
- The Fog
- The Mummy
- The Nun
- The Phantom
- The Smurfs
- The Thing
- Thunderbirds
- Thunderclap
- Tiger Fly
- Tiger Force: Tiger Rat
- TMNT: The Last Ronin
- Toony Terrors
- Toxo-Viper
- toystory
- Trailbreaker (G1)
- Transformers
- Transformers Armada: Unicron
- Transformers G1
- Transformers Pretenders: Snaptrap
- Trick 'r Treat
- Tung Lashor (MOTU 1985)
- Tunnel Rat
- Twin Twist (G1)
- Ultraman
- Universal Monsters
- Valor Vs Venom
- Vampire: The Masquerade
- Vroom (Pretenders)
- Walking Dead
- Warthog (1988)
- Webstor (MOTU 1984)
- Werewolf By Night (2023)
- What If?
- Wolf Man
- Wolfman
- Wonder Woman