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BROTHER POWER, SISTER SUN! While playing tennis with Flash Thompson (Who is using it as an outlet for his anger over the fact that Sha Shan is married) the two find that there is a rally going on for the Legion of Light, a new cult that has become very popular. When Flash recognizes the leaders, Brother Power and Sister Sun to be Achmed Korba and Sha Shan, he tries to go to Sha Shan, only to be attacked by the twos light powers. Peter changes into Spider-Man and fights Brother Power and rescues Flash from anymore harm, changing back his civilian identity afterwards. When the police arrive, Brother Sun refuses to press charges, wanting to continue to spread his message. Taking Flash back to his apartment to rest, Peter goes to Empire State University's sociology professor to learn the origins of the Legion of Light. Returning to his apartment, he finds a note from Flash telling Peter that he has gone to talk Sha Shan into leaving her husband. Peter rushes to Flash's aid as Spider-Man, where he is over powered by the combined power of Brother Power and Sister Sun. Blown out of a window into an alley, the daze Spider-Man tries to shake off the effects of the attack as a new mysterious figure confronts him.