Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man #196

Product Description


Trapped in the sewers among Baron Zemo's mutates, Spider-Man is given three seconds to let Zemo go before he commands the Vermin to eat Dr. Ashley Kafka alive. With no other choice, the wall-crawler lets Zemo go, but asks how the Baron managed to take control of the mutates even though they sought to escape his slavery. Zemo explains that since he was their creator, he is able to control them with a hidden device that affects their brainwaves. Spider-Man is disgusted with how Baron Zemo so casually he treats his abominations as slaves and demands that Zemo command Vermin to let Dr. Kafka go. Zemo complies and begins ranting about how this whole scene is like something out of the horror stories he loved as a child. That's when Spider-Man points out that he read Zemo's file, and that he was reported as being dead.  Zemo indulges the web-head, by telling the hero how he s

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