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Following their recent battle against Carnage and his allies, Spider-Man helps the Black Cat out of a collapsed and burning building. Venom is in there with them, but with his symbiote's weakness to fire, all Eddie Brock can do is use what little strength he has left to pull himself out of the blazing inferno. Once outside, Venom's strength begins to return, much to Spider-Man's relief, even though Brock doesn't buy it. Venom then asks what became of Carnage, and becomes furious when the wall-crawler tells him that Carnage managed to escape while he was busy saving the Black Cat. Venom tries to start a fight with Spider-Man until the Cat orders him to stop. She is upset that Venom is willing to pick a fight with Spider-Man than trying to pick up the trail. Venom is about to argue this but realizes that the Black Cat is right. She then scolds Spider-Man, telling him that she doesn't need him to protect her, and that Venom was right about stopping Carnage above all else. W