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After escaping Spider-Man, Bloody Mary tracks down Jack Morray, a man with a history of abusing women. She is about to shoot him with her sniper rifle but decides against it, wanting to kill him up close and personal so he knows why he is dying. That's when she finds the spider-tracer that Spider-Man planted on her earlier in the evening. This causes her Typhoid Mary personality to return to the fore. Emerging from the metal outfit that Bloody Mary wears, Typhoid is amused at this find. Her research on the wall-crawler also uncovered a lot of information on the web-head and she intends to make the wall-crawler her next target after Jack Morray. Meanwhile, Spider-Man has been trying to locate Mary all night, especially after she broke into a library earlier that evening. That's when he spots what he sees what appears to be Bloody Mary. However, it is just the outer shell of her armor and his discarded spider-tracer. With the trail now col