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BEETLEMANIA! Forced to fight on the defensive against the Beetle thanks to a surprise attack from the Gibbon, Spider-Man is having a hard time defending himself against his foes new armor. The Gibbon realizes what a fool he'd been trying to get revenge against Spider-Man tries to help him out, but only hinders things. Allowing the Beetle to knock Spider-Man into the sewers and take the Gibbon hostage. Realizing that he's late for school, Peter returns to ESU and spends time with Gregory Salinger and they talk about his problems. He also briefly visits Debra and sees that her new flame Biff Rifkin is there as well, and leaves when he learns that the police have the Beetle cornered. Arriving on the scene, Spider-Man finds the police incapacitated by the Beetle's traps, and that he has the Gibbon hostage. Spider-Man battles the Beetle, during that time the Gibbon is freed and he helps land the knock-out punch on the Beetle, turning him over to the police. Later, back in his civilian guise, Peter is shocked to find that the Gibbon is being hailed as a hero, while Spider-Man continues to get a bum rap. THE BIRTH OF A LEGEND! A retelling of Spider-Man's origins, this version starts off with Peter Parker being woken up in the morning by his Uncle Ben. After a breakfast of wheatcakes he goes to Midtown High where he is commanded by his teacher for having good marks. However, he is scorned by his classmates, particularly Flash Thompson. Later, when he attempts to ask out Sally Avril, she snubs him to go on a date with Flash. When Peter tries to get some classmates to accompany him to a science exhibition he is snubbed. Peter begins to cry and vows that he will one day he'll show them sorry. Peter goes to the General Techtronics building alone where he witnesses an experiment on radioactivity. Unseen by all, a spider lowers on a web into the path of radioactive energies. Before it dies, the spider lands on Peter's hand and bites him. Suddenly, Peter feels strange and excuses himself from the rest of the demonstration. Outside, Peter is hassled by two hoods, but he easily knocks them aside. Confused by his sudden strength he runs out into the street and narrowly avoids getting hit by a car by leaping onto the wall of a nearby building. Much to Peter's surprise, he can climb up the walls. On the rooftop, he crushes a steel vent pipe with his bare hands. Peter concludes that somehow the radioactive spider gave him its abilities. However, by the time he gets back home, he has convinced himself that he was hallucinating. When Aunt May asks Peter to drop off some old clothes for a charity drive he happens upon the challenge made by Crusher Hogan to last three minutes in the ring with him. Wanting to keep his identity secret, Peter disguises himself with the old clothes and goes into the ring. His performance is witnessed by talent agent Maxie Shiffman, who offers to represent Peter after he wins the match. Realizing how much money he can make with his newfound powers, Peter decides to take things to the next level. A week later, Peter works hard in the chemistry lab at Midtown High. There he develops and perfects his web shooters and web fluid and designs his Spider-Man costume out of some old dance skins. Thus, Spider-Man is born. Soon enough, Spider-Man makes numerous television appearances and becomes an overnight sensation. However, one night, Spider-Man allows a Burglar to get away. When the security guard ask Spider-Man why he didn't stop the crook, Peter tells him that it is not his problem and that he only looks out for number one -- himself. Life goes on for Peter Parker, his Aunt and Uncle give him a new microscope. When he goes back to school, his classmates talk about watching Spider-Man on television. Peter gloats to himself, reveling in how they would all react if they ever found out that he was Spider-Man. By night, Peter continues to perform on television. One night, Peter returns home to find the police outside his home. One of the offers tell him that a Burglar broke in and shot his Uncle Ben dead. Furious, Peter changes into Spider-Man and goes after the killer, who has holed himself up at the Acme Warehouse. Sneaking inside, Spider-Man confronts his Uncle's killer, easily overpowering him. Getting a good look, Peter is horrified to discover that the burglar is the same man he allowed to get away days earlier. With the Burglar turned over to the authorities, Spider-Man swings onto a nearby rooftop where he sheds tears, realizing that his Uncle's death is all his fault. Days later, Peter and his Aunt May attend Uncle Ben's funeral. Wanting time alone, Peter realizes that his own selfishness he decides to never let his inaction lead to someone getting hurt again. Peter has learned a hard lesson: With great power comes great responsibility.